It is the end of the semester and we would like to do a brief recap of what we have accomplished and if you read previous blogs you will find one that lists events we are planning for next semester. That does not include the exciting summer activities we all hope to be taking part in.
Semester Recap- Started meetings again in February, elected officers, revised constitution, Planned and carried out an activity at the Warrensburg Earth Day Festival, Took part in Mess on the Mall by handing out fliers showing students where they can recycle, ways to reuse and reduce, and why it's important, Made a coalition with the Warrensburg group Citizens For Environmental Action, created a t-shirt design.
Summer plans- Work on implementing a do-not-mail registry in Warrensburg, work with the Organization for Responsive Government to show documentaries on campus, fundraisers, Work on a recycling program in one of the residence halls, AND JACK'S FORK TRIP! Two days in August of camping, canoeing, and CLEANING THE RIVER! If you are interested in attending, contact us through this blog or by e-mail at ucmenviroclub@gmail.com, the more people we have to clean the better!
Thanks for checking out our blog and make sure to stay updated to find out what's going on and how you can become a part of it.
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