Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Upcoming Events

March 28: Earth Hour will be taking place at 8 p.m.-9 p.m. Businesses, residents, governments around the world are taking part in this event. Check out the link for more information.
April 2: Movie night! EAC will be presenting the documentary Garbage Island which shows us that our trash just doesn't disappear.
April 18: Earth Day Festival! Warrensburg Citizens for Environmental Action will be hosting this event and our group will have a booth for children to paint what they see when they think of nature. One member will also be leading a nature walk. Check out the link for more information.
April 22: "Mess on the Mall," will be taking place in front of the Union. Several student organizations will be helping separate recyclable materials from trash. EAC will be handing out pamphlets showing students different options of recycling.
Tentative: Farmer's Market "field trips." EAC is currently assisting Main Street Warrensburg with advertising and recruitment.
Tentative: Stream clean-up.
Tentative: Educational hand-outs for students showing them where they can purchase environmentally friendly school supplies.
Links: Earth Day Festival- http://www.visitwarrensburg.org/calOfEvents/default.asp?id=25119&page=displayEvent
Earth Hour- http://www.earthhour.org/home/

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